
You may read this and think, "I don't want to hear all about pregnancy, child birth and life juggling... I hear it every week in some form or another.." and that is fine!

I really hope this Blogg will be something a little bit different to me waffling on about aches, pains, sleepless nights... blah, blah, blah but, to be honest, I think this is just going to be my little place to share my thoughts and if you enjoy it... GREAT!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Out and about with my two girls...

Well we have been busy getting into the swing of life with my two girls.  We are now getting out and about more and enjoying the autumn weather which so far has been better than the summer I had hoped for.

Holly is doing really well... still putting on a tonne of weight, and I have managed in the last couple of weeks, to get to the stage where I am fully breast feeding her by day, thanks to a lot of support from my Health Visitor, my Mum, Greg and my sister in law Nicky (who should become a breast feeding guru!) who have all told me NOT to give up and work through it with my very hungry baby...  It has been hard to feel like I can’t satisfy her and I have wanted to give up a few times, but SO pleased now that I haven’t.  I also take Fenugreek which is a natural India Herb, and increases your milk supply. Let’s just say – it works!


Ella is doing so well on her bike... she is such a speed demon and I was sure that she would get it once she got up some speed....  now she is really into it.  We have had numerous trips to Greenwich Park where she has whizzed around and collected conkers in her little bike basket.  She calls them Ponkers!!?  Why?? NO IDEA!  But  she loves her afternoons in the park and Holly loves napping snuggled up to Mummy in the baby carrier...  that works a treat!

Holly also slept well in the carrier the day we went Veg and Fruit picking with the Patterson’s on Bank Holiday Monday. It was such a nice day and Ella and her best mate Daisy loved picking apples, cucumbers and carrots.

Ella is still loving being a big sister – thank god.  It can still be tricky juggling the two girls demands, but it makes for more laughs than tears these days. 

The other day I was getting Holly down for a nap and heard Ella coming up the stairs really slowly.  She was whispering something and I couldn’t make it out until she got the top of the stairs.  Whispering back I asked her “all ok darling?” and got the reply “ yes fine Mummy...  I went for a wee in the potty downstairs so to not wake Holly and I am just bring it upstairs!”  YIKES!!!  Poor Holly got thrown into her Moses Basket as I ran to the top of the stairs imagining wee being spilt all down the stairs... she hadn’t spilt a drop! Phew!!  I was SO relieved!
by Ella aged 3 1/2

So all in all everything is good here in our little family world...  we have had our first trip away to my family in Warwick and every week life is getting easier.  Holly is GREAT at going to bed, and although it is hard work getting both girls to bed at the same time, Greg and I have our evening back, which only 2 months in is pretty bloody amazing – even if I am in bed not too long after them!

Monday, 5 September 2011

6 weeks, 1 Sinus infection, 2 mirgraines and too many broken nights to mention later..

Well I am still alive ...  and out the other side of having a New Born  - FOR NOW!

Seriously, all is well.  Holly is doing brilliantly.. and is now nearly 12 pounds and feeds like a monster.  She is such a HUGE baby I am not used to it but she is truly gorgeous and a really good little girl.

Ella is being the best Big Sister ever.  There has been no jealousy and she is still just SO chuffed with her little sister.  It is really lovely to watch her relationship with her unfold.  All the guilt that I had before having Holly for Ella has gone as I just know that Ella loves her. And we have had the funniest moments with Ella trying to get her head around me breast feeding with comments such as “...so Mummy there is milk in your boobies?  Should I go and get a straw??” and “.. if there is milk in your boobies Mummy where is the lid?” and my personal favourite, “.. I know Mummy why don’t you have another baby and I can feed it with my boobies!”

Yes it has been tough.  You forget how hard work it is having this little thing who needs you 24/7, and then you have a 3 year old who still wants cuddles, you to take her for a wee, make her Cheesy Pasta.  

Post- Natally I have been really well, unfortunately I have got low and that gave me a Sinus Infection and then last week I had 2 migraines. But I am getting there...  and really must stop telling Greg I am tired!!! OF COURSE I am.

My brilliant best mate Jo has been over twice to bring me lunch and keep my spirits up and I am on the phone to my Mum every day.  Moral support is all around! At least this time around you know it only gets better and easier!

We are slowly, but surely, getting into our groove.  Holly is putting on just under a pound a week!!!  YES A POUND! And life is getting into a whole new normality.  I think the biggest thing to get my head around is having a HUGE baby rather than a little one...  and that is the amount of milk it takes to get her full... phewie.. 

So until next time.. and my lil’ one being just a bit larger and a few more broken night sleep...  zzzzzzzzz